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Welcome to my Kitchen!

Andrea Lennon

I tell my kids all the time, “honesty is the best policy!” So, as I post my first cooking blog, I have a few honest thoughts to share with you. First, I like to cook. I really do. I can’t remember a time when I did not like to cook. I have so many memories from my childhood that revolve around learning to cook with my grandmother Horne. I can’t wait to share some of her recipes with you! Second, while I like to cook, I am not a “fancy” cook. That is right… no frills cooking is what you get with me! My goal is to buy it, cook it, eat it, and clean it up in a reasonable amount of time.

Andrea Lennon's Kitchen, Banana Bread

Just to recap… you will NOT find recipes with long lists of ingredients that are expensive or hard to find. You WILL find “doable” recipes that are tried, tested, and true. I have so many recipes and stories to share with you. I hope you love them and share them with your friends and family.

I am always looking to add easy recipes to my meal calendar so please feel free to share your recipes with me. (Also, when I say meal calendar, if you get the idea that I am organized and planned, I am not! Just keeping it real. The fine folks at Kroger are some of my best friends. Why? Because I am there almost every other day!)

Here we go…. first on the cooking blog is the best banana bread you will ever put in your mouth! I found this recipe in a cookbook that was given to me at my bridal shower 21 years ago. I’ve been making this banana bread for years. When a friend is sick or just needs a pick me up, they get a loaf of this bread.

Banana Bread

2 eggs

1 cup flour

1 tsp. soda

1/2 tsp. sald

1/2 cup oil

1 cup sugar

2-3 ripe bananas, mashed

1 tsp. vanilla

handful of chopped pecans

Mix all ingredients together and pour into a greased standard size loaf pan. Bake at 350 degrees for one hour.

Great with a cup of coffee and a sweet friend!

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