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Hope Changes Everything

Andrea Lennon

tiny leaves new hope

Believers in Jesus Christ always have a reason to hope. Hope changes everything because it positions us to see what is in our life instead of what is missing.

Romans 15:13 speaks of hope. It says, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (New International Version)

We serve the God of hope. No other god offers life-changing or life-sustaining hope. Biblical hope involves more than a feeling. It is more than a desire for life to turn out the way we planned. Biblical hope is trustful expectation, particularly in reference to the fulfillment of God’s promises. Hope is at the center of the Christian faith.

Believers in Jesus Christ have hope because of two important events. The first event involved Jesus’ resurrection from the grave. The moment that Jesus rose from the grave, sin and death were defeated. Because this world continues to be plagued by sin, things like death, disease, and dismay still exist. However, ultimate victory over evil was accomplished through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection which paved the way for individuals to have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. These events also secured heaven as our real home. The second event involves the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The very presence of God lives inside of us. God’s Spirit reminds us that we are His children and that we do not face any situation, hard or easy, on our own.

The best way to foster a strong sense of hope occurs when we understand the greatness and goodness of God. The greatness of God is seen in God’s mighty acts throughout history. As we think about God’s story we see how every prophecy in the Old Testament is fulfilled, how every important event in the New Testament was accomplished, and how every aspect of our lives fits into a bigger picture. We serve a great and mighty God and at the sound of His voice everything can change.

The goodness of God is seen in God’s loving care in the details of life. Even though bad things can happen, we serve a good God who is willing and able to bring beauty out of the ashes of our lives. Whether it is a marriage that is falling apart, a wayward child who is far from home, a friendship that is broken, a financial problem that has no solution, a diagnosis that is overwhelming, a dream that is shattered, or a death that came too soon, God is good and He is willing and able to lovingly put our lives back together again.

How can God be great and good in the midst of overwhelming trials and heartbreak? God is a restoring God. He brings purpose to the pain and meaning out of the mess. When faced with a difficult circumstance or a heartbreaking loss, there is a choice to make. Will we embrace the greatness and goodness of God and invite Him to restore our lives; or will we embrace hopelessness and allow our circumstances to defeat us? Hopelessness occurs when we believe that our situation cannot improve or change. Hopelessness wreaks havoc in a believer’s life because it leaves no room for God and His life-changing work.

Embracing God means embracing hope. Hope reminds us that God is great and that He is good. Hope also reminds us that this world is not our home. As a result, restoration and healing are always possible in Jesus’ Name. If you find yourself in a hopeless situation, turn to God for help. He is waiting for you. He is able and willing to meet you at your greatest point of need and heal you in Jesus’ Name. No matter how overwhelming your situation appears to be, your life can proclaim, “My God is able!”

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