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Prayer for Deliverance

Andrea Lennon, True Vine Ministry

I live in Arkansas. I love my state. Today we are praying as a state for deliverance. Will you join us? Our world needs a move of God!

The Governor of Arkansas has declared today to be a day of prayer for the people of Arkansas. What a privilege to join together as we seek God for deliverance, help, protection, and provision.

Prayer.. a means by which we talk to and hear from God. (Psalm 91:15, Isaiah 65:24, Matthew 7:7)

Prayer… an invitation to take our cares and concerns to a loving and powerful God. (1 Peter 5:7)

Prayer… a step of trust and surrender as we express deep desires while surrendering to the will of our all-knowing Lord. (Luke 22:42)

Prayer… never a means to inform God, for He knows all things, rather a deep-abiding opportunity to commune with God in His presence, where there is fullness of joy. (Isaiah 46:10, Psalm 16:11)

Prayer… an opportunity to express BIG faith in a BIG God who is able to do more than we ask or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20)

Prayer… a real reminder that our hope is not in our circumstances or the outcome of our circumstances; for biblical hope is in God who sees, loves, knows, cares, and responds with mercy and grace. (Romans 15:13)

Prayer prompts for this day:

1. God to be glorified in all ways and for the gospel message to be spread.

2. Healthcare workers on the front lines. May God place a shield of protection around them in a supernatural way.

3. Government officials who are making difficult and weighty decisions. May God give wisdom and creativity to lead with vision and purpose.

4. Individuals who are sick and the loved ones who are trying to navigate taking care of them. May God heal the sick and protect the loved ones.

5. The world. May God deliver us by any means He sees fit… development of medicine, vaccine, or a supernatural move displaying His power.

6. All who are being impacted by the economy, school closures, and job changes. May God show up and be our plentiful provider in such a way we know it was Him that brought us through.

7. May we as the people of God and the church of God never be the same on the other side. May we know God more and may we trust Him deeper.

Standing with you in faith,


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