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By Faith

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."

Hebrews 11:1, New International Version

This well-known verse of Scripture beautifully defines faith. Faith is evidenced when we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is real, He has a plan for our lives, and we can trust Him no matter what is going on in our lives. (Especially during the messy times!)

In Hebrews 11, a list of faith-filled people is mentioned. These people lived by faith when

their backs were against the wall and the call of God was big in their lives. Recently I read this passage of scripture and one verse jumped off the page at me. It says, ”All of these people were still living by faith when they died.” (Hebrews 11:13)

This verse made me think. What does it take to live by faith? Not only that, how can my

faith be strong until my last breath? I believe that the answer to these questions is found in

having a daily walk with God. Faith is not developed in a one-time event. Rather, the

development of our faith is a process that begins at salvation and continues until Jesus calls us home.

Salvation occurs when we place our faith in Jesus by trusting His death, burial, and

resurrection as the only way for us to have a relationship with God. After salvation, we

encounter opportunities for our faith to develop and grow. Maybe we are called to move to a new city or to change jobs. Maybe we are given a task that is too big for us to accomplish. For some, an unexpected diagnosis requires faith. Lots of moms and dads have faith that their wayward child will return home.

All of these moments provide an opportunity for us to live by faith. As we demonstrate

faith in these moments, we deepen our trust in God and position ourselves to have this said of us, “they were still living by faith when they died.” What are you going through today that requires faith? Let me encourage you to hold on to these truths:

1. God loves you and He has a good plan for your life! Claim it, sister!

2. This season will not last forever! (Can I get an amen?) God IS at work. He IS on the move. You ARE making spiritual progress. And… God WILL use all of the tough stuff to bring you closer to Him and to help you be more sensitive to others.

3. Look for something to be thankful for during this season of life. When you do, you will see all the ways that God is active, present, and providing. Put your eyes on Jesus…. you will be glad that you did!

Much love!


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