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True Vine Ministry Team

Andrea Lennon

This post is long overdue! I am so excited to share with you the newly formed True Vine Ministry Team! God has been putting this team together (slowly) over the last few years. I can’t wait for you to meet these amazing leaders! They are beautiful on the inside and out. They love Jesus and walk with Him every day! I know you are going to love them as much as I do!

  • Sue Riner- True Vine Prayer Leader

  • Jessica Brown- True Vine Blog Leader

  • Kelsey Blackmon- True Vine Social Media, Website, and Branding Leader

  • Kristi Harris- True Vine Adoption Advocate

  • Stephanie Irwin- True Vine Ministry Assistant

  • Renee Bond- True Vine Bookstore Leader

  • Bethany Bilson- True Vine Radio and Podcast Producer

These sweet friends are answering the call to help True Vine grow in ways I never dreamed possible. I have known some of them for years. Others God recently brought into my life. All of us have a passion to help women know the truth, live the truth, and share the truth.

Earlier this year, I was running on fumes and meeting myself coming and going. I was missing details, deadlines and trying to keep my head above water. I knew something had to change, but I didn’t know the next step to take. It was during this time that Stephanie (True Vine Ministry Assistant) messaged me and asked to meet for coffee. I scheduled a time to meet with her thinking it would be a typical “getting to know you visit.” “Where are you from, tell me your story, what is God doing in your life, etc.” I love these conversations and cherish one-on-one time with women.

At one point in the conversation, Stephanie looked at me and said, “I can help with True Vine. I can take care of all the details. I’ve got this.” Y’all, I wanted to cry right there in Starbucks. Over the next few weeks a series of events took place that took my breath away. One by one each person that I asked to join the True Vine team said, “I'm in!” Each story of God’s confirmation gave goosebumps to me. When the time is right, you will hear all the stories because they are too good not to share.

What the team didn’t know is that I was so ready for help. God was putting the team together and I was like, “Hello, my name is Andrea and I AM READY to let go of control… please help me!” If you know me or have followed my story, you know I struggle to let go of control. The need to control has impacted the growth of True Vine. Thankfully, that struggle is in the rear-view mirror. God is so good to always let me get to the end of myself.

Recently the True Vine team met and spent several hours talking about all the ministry possibilities. From books, to blogs, to events, to reaching women on the other side of the world, our time of planning and dreaming was exciting. Following our conversation, I realized that for the first time in a long time, I felt refreshed and like I could finally breathe. For the past 15 years, I have contracted with people on special projects, but never had a team to help carry out the daily True Vine ministry responsibilities. (I can’t believe all of that is quickly changing!)

So, what is True Vine going to look like moving forward? You will notice some immediate changes that will help things run a little smoother around here.

Event Booking

All events need to be booked through the website. I am so bad to book events through text messages, multiple email accounts, Facebook messenger, in the produce section of Kroger, over the phone, etc. In order to streamline the process and create a file for each event, the online booking process will help us stay organized so we can better serve you. When booking an event, you will work with Stephanie on the logistics and details. Her email address is Stephanie is excited to work with you! She will communicate all the details to me and make sure your LIVE event goes smoothly.

Radio Program

Truth on the Go radio program will continue to aire on Sunday mornings on Faith Talk Radio and The Fish. We have lots of opportunities in this area to reach more women with God’s love, hope, and peace. Please join us in praying about the syndication process!

Podcast Schedule

The radio program becomes Truth on the Go Podcast and drops every Wednesday morning. We encourage you to subscribe to the podcast via soundcloud. Please rate and share the podcast so that other people can listen and enjoy. You will find the podcast on the True Vine Website.

Blog Schedule

Along with the podcast, a blog will publish each week expanding on the podcast subject. I am so excited that several of the True Vine team members are willing to write for the True Vine blog. This means you are going to hear different perspectives on the same topic. You can subscribe to the blog by filling out the subscription form on the website. Each week the blog will deliver directly to your email inbox!

True Vine Ministry Community

Social media posts will go out during the week highlighting a key concept discussed on the radio program, podcast, or blog. The social media posts will be on Instagram, True Vine Facebook, and Twitter. The posts provide a place for us to dialogue together about how we are applying the truth of God’s Word in the every day aspects of life. I can’t wait to hear how God is working in your life and how we can pray for each other. (Isn’t this going to be fun!!)

There is so much more in the works, but for now let’s stop and thank God for His amazing plan! God is so good to allow us to walk this journey together. Good days are ahead, sweet friends! Let’s risk it all for His glory! I am so thankful for you.

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