Hey sweet friends! I am in the middle of a five-part series from the book of Proverbs over on Truth On The Go. Wow! God's Word is really challenging me to think about wisdom and the role she plays in my life. The first podcast is out and I want to share a quick preview and invite you to join the conversation!

Think about this question, "What advice did your parents give to you when you were a kid or teenager?" I bet we can all rattle off a few pieces of advice we wish we had followed! Often times our parents know what is best for us. Their advice can help shape our character, decisions, and direction in life.
If you follow True Vine Ministry on social media, you know I asked for the best advice you received from your parents. I was overwhelmed by the responses! Here are a few:
Always be kind--- you never know what someone is going through. ❤️
You are not better than anyone, no one is better than you.
Pick your battles!
"Praise the LORD anyhow" It's surprising how fast grumbling, whining and griping changes to gratitude when you say those 4 little words!
“Remember Whose you are”
When the ice cream truck is playing music, that means they're out of ice cream. (Ha!)
Remember who you represent - (Jesus, family, school, church, etc.).
Two wrongs don’t make a right!
Always be an example of turning to God before making decisions in your life.
Love Jesus more than anything, live on mission every day, know the world is going to subtly try to discount your faith, and find your purpose in Christ.
Be the light in all the shadows. Seek out the broken. Let them know they are loved and prayed for. Find the good in people.
“God is for you not against you! I am for you not against you!” ❤️
You finish what you start.
God punishes the little sins immediately.
“You can look like a yacht or a row boat but I’m only paying for one.”
Freedom is not the right to do what you want. It is the right to do what you should.
Stand strong in your convictions despite what your friends are doing
"What matters is what they hear, not what you say."
Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
It ain’t all about you...
Treat everyone the same. Principal and janitor the same.
(To see a complete list, check out my facebook page!)
I think we can understand why Solomon encouraged us in Proverbs 1:8-9 to listen to the advice or wisdom of our parents. Parents often have a perspective that is richer, deeper, and more experienced than ours. Let's face it. They have lived a little and seen a lot!
Wisdom is so important! The way we seek and follow wisdom tells us about ourselves. It reveals the direction of our lives and the condition of our hearts. Through wisdom we see who we are and Whose we are. Proverbs is full of practical wisdom. It is our daily "how to" book for life. The purpose of the book is for:
1. Attaining wisdom and discipline
2. Understanding words of insight
3. Acquiring a disciplined and prudent life
4. Doing what is right, just, and fair
The book of Proverbs has something for everyone! We should read it on the edge of our seats knowing we will discover hidden treasures God saved just for us. I hope you will listen to each podcast and find the help and hope you need for life.
For now, let me ask you this important question. "How are you doing on the wisdom scale?" Are you seeking God's wisdom, or do you need to focus on seeking and attaining God's direction for life? Listen to part one (Remembering What We've Been Told) and learn the biblical definition of wisdom and practical ways to apply wisdom! I hope this series challenges you to go deeper in God's Word by applying what it says to your everyday life!

Much Love!