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Thanking God for the “immeasurably more”

Andrea Lennon

Have you had a moment when you stopped, took a deep breath, and realized God provided something you never knew you needed? I had this type of moment recently and it took my breath away!


For me, my moment came as a result of thanking God for the many ways He has provided for me and True Vine Ministry. Twelve years ago God called me to begin a speaking and writing ministry for women. Let me be clear and say that I had no idea what to do or even how to begin a ministry. I remember thinking, “Lord, this can’t be your plan!” I was a young wife and mother. I had competed seminary and was working part-time for a local church. The work I did for the church was safe and made sense to me because it provided a regular paycheck. The work also allowed me to be at home with my children during the week.

When the Lord laid it on my heart to “let go” of the comfortable provision of a steady job in order to step out to an unknown world of speaking and writing, I obeyed with great fear and an anxious heart. Everything about answering this call was hard. Speaking, booking events, incorporating the ministry, and publishing books, made me realize I was in way over my head. However, the Lord faithfully showed me the next step to take every single time. The Lord led me year by year; and His faithfulness was never out of sight.

During the early years of True Vine, I remember praying long and hard. Most of my prayers involved asking the Lord to help me know what to do in order to be successful in His eyes. I will be honest and admit that the path was long. I was constantly not sure how the ministry would survive. Praise God! Each year the ministry grew. I was booking events at a steady pace.

The past few months, I have taken some time to stop and regroup as I plan for the future. I am thankful for this time. It’s always good to examine where you have been, where you currently are, and where you believe God is leading you. Naturally, I have thought about the faithfulness of the Lord. It’s not a coincidence that during this time of reflection the Lord placed a familiar passage of scripture before me. “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21, New International Version)

As I studied this passage of scripture and prepared to share it with a group of women, I was struck by a brand new truth. Often we think about the "immeasurably more" in the context of not asking for things in a "big enough" way. However, as I studied this verse of scripture and asked God to teach me, I realized that often the "immeasurably more" in my life comes in the provision of something I never knew to ask for in the first place. This was certainly true in the development of True Vine Ministry. Most of the time, I didn’t know what I needed. As a result, I had to bow my head and heart before the Lord and simply ask Him to provide. I am thankful that God’s provision is not dependent on me or my request.

Have you ever been there… living in an unknown season of life and not sure what you need in order to be successful in God’s eyes? During these times, know that God is at work in “immeasurably more” ways in your life. The outcome will ultimately bring glory to God.

As you think about your life, take a few minutes and ask the Lord to show you one of the “immeasurably more” ways He has provided for you. Maybe, like me, you didn’t ask for this provision, but God provided it anyway. Then ask the Lord to show you how you can use this provision to bring glory to Him and blessings to others. Take comfort in the fact that nothing about your life is an accident. God is at work. He always has been and He always will be.

I would love to hear how God is working in your life! Visit my website at to connect with me through social media, Truth on the Go podcast, and the True Vine Ministry blog. I can’t wait to hear from you!

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